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Baby Shower Ideas Every Expectant Mom Will Love
by Kimberly Hargis

Along with all the decorating, food preparation, or organizing fun baby shower games, expectant mothers above all really appreciate being surrounded by supportive friends and family.

At this joyous time, you can extend a helping hand with practical gifts of time, an IOU, a day at the spa, or other unique ideas that will truly be appreciated by any mom-to-be...

"Frozen Dinner Shower"

Instead of -- or along with -- baby shower gifts, have each guest make for the Mother-to-Be a make ahead dinner that can be frozen. This works best if the shower is right before the baby is due. The dinner can be frozen and thawed as needed after the Mommy and baby have arrived home and Mommy does not feel like cooking. Then, even Daddy can make dinner for the family.

IOU baby shower gift card"IOU Shower"

Each guest can give the expectant Mom an IOU to help her out after the baby is born. IOUs can be for anything, such as:

• Baby-sitting
• Cooking dinner
• Cleaning
• Doing laundry for a week
• Grocery shopping or running errands

(Ed note: you can even enlist the men folk to help with house maintenance to give "suddenly sleepless" new Dads a much-needed break!)

"Second-Time Expectant Mom"

Instead of giving a second-time mom baby gifts, have everyone chip in to give the expectant mom a real treat with a gift certificate for one of the following:

• A day at the spa
• "The works" at the beauty parlor
• Dinner out with the sitter paid (for after the baby arrives)
• Maid service for a month
• Diaper service

"Hospital Shower"

If the expectant Mom is on bed rest or is hospitalized and is a second-time Mom who may not need a lot of baby things, throw her a "Hospital Shower" and give her gifts that will keep her comfy or occupied in bed. Good gift ideas include:

• Music by her favorite artist, or books by her favorite author
• Easy assemble craft projects
• Crossword and other types of puzzle books
• Balloons and flowers to brighten her room
• A new pair of slippers or comfy socks

"Budget Baby Shower"

hand me downsEveryone knows a mom who got too much at her own shower that she has plenty of hand-me-downs, A budget baby shower is where everyone brings hand-me-down items or gifts bought at garage sales and dollar stores. These showers are often best because many times the expectant mother will get more gifts since purchases are relatively inexpensive.

Other money saving tips for a budget baby shower? Ask friends or family if they have baby shower decorations in storage that you may reuse. If you know someone who likes to bake, enlist their help with a homemade shower cake.

Finally, use e-mail, a free e-vite service, or your favorite social media site (Facebook and others) to invite guests and save big on invitations.

Have fun!


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