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MAIN Arrow to EntertainingParty Ideas Arrow to Prom Prom Arrow to After Prom Party Ideas After Prom Party Ideas

The night of the prom doesn't end when the music stops...

...that's when the partying really gets started!

Planning the after prom party is as important and as much fun as planning for the prom. Will the night end at a friend's, at an open house, a comedy club or at a beach party? Or how about an after-prom bash at a theme park or local hall?

Today, it's becoming more common to have a gathering of friends locally, ensuring against mixing alcohol and driving. Or, if you have the extra cash, hiring a limo to follow you around town - all night long - to your final destination.

Whatever you're planning, the ideas here will help you get it together...

also see --> Party Halls & Venues

More about after prom parties around the Web:

After-Prom Parties
- Alcohol free get-together ideas from Family with tips on hiring a limo, renting hotel rooms, plus suggested party food & activities.

The Prom Site - After Prom - Get ideas from pages of message board posts with visitor comments on what they think is the best after-prom spots in their town.

After the Prom, What Then...? - Party411 guide with suggested activities for keeping it fun and casual.



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