Beer Tasting Party : Score Sheet

Name of Beer:

Presentation (10)
- Observe the head, the consistency, the color, the clarity, the aroma...



Taste (20) - Use terms like fruity, dry, smooth, metallic, yeasty, alcoholic to help score.



Body (10) - Was this beer creamy, bubbly, hearty, thick or thin? Was it a good temperature?
Was the 'mouthfeel' good (+) or bad (-)? Why?



Drinkability (5) - When finished, did you want to go out an get a six pack (+) or dump the rest of the bottle (-)?



Empty Glass Factor (5) - A trace of the ring in the glass (+) A very clean glass (-)
The best beers leave a nice ring of foam. Drinking from the bottle scores a 2.




SCORE (50) ______

Comments on Bottle Inspection: Appropriate size, cap, fill level, label removal, etc.




Name of Beer:

Alternate Scoring:

12 points - Aroma
Comment on malt, hops, esters, and other aromatics.



3 points - Appearance
Comment on color, clarity, and head (retention, color, and texture)



20 points - Flavor
Comment on malt, hops, fermentation characteristics, balance,
finish/aftertaste, and other characteristics



5 points - Mouthfeel
Comment on body, carbonation, warmth, creaminess,
tartness, bitterness and other palate sensations



10 points - Overall Impression
Comment on overall drinking pleasure associated
with this beer and give suggestions for improvement




Score (50): Outstanding


Very Good









Name of Beer:

Descriptions: (Check all that apply)
Acetaldehyde - Green applelike aroma; byproduct of fermentation.
Alcoholic - The general effect of ethanol and higher alcohols. Tastes warming.
Astringent/Husky - Drying, puckering (like lemon) associated with sourness.
Bitter - Taste associated with hops, braun-hefe or malt husks. Sensation experienced on very back of tongue.
Chill Haze - Does not affect flavor. Caused by precipitation of protein-tannin compound at cold
temperatures. Less proteins or tannins in brewing or fermenting reduces haze.
Chlorophenolic - Aroma is unique but very similar to plasticlike phenolic.
Caused by chlorinated water in brewing. Detectable in parts per billion.
Cooked Vegetable/Cabbagelike - Aroma and flavor often due to long lag times and wort
spoilage bacteria that later are killed by alcohol produced in fermentation.
Diacetyl/Buttery - Buttery, butterscotch, toffee taste/odor caused by abbreviated fermentation or bacteria.
DMS (dimethyl sulfide) - At low levels sweet, cornlike taste/odor - higher levels canned, or rotten vegetables.
Can be caused by malt, short boiling of wort, slow wort chilling or, in extreme cases, bacterial infection.
Fruity/Estery - Banana, raspberry, pear, apple or strawberry flavor; may include other fruity/estery flavors.
Associated with higher temperature fermentations and certain yeast strains.
Grainy - Raw grain flavor. Cereal like. Some amounts are appropriate in some beer styles.
Hoppy - Characteristic odor of the essential oil of hops. Does not include hop bitterness.
Light-Struck - Having the characteristic smell of a skunk, caused by exposure to light.
Some hops can have a very similar character.
Metallic - Caused by exposure to metal. Described as tinny, metallic, bloodlike.
May be from brewpot or storage where beer is in contact with caps.
Oxidized/Stale - Taste/odor of wet cardboard, paper, rotten vegetable/pineapple, sherry, baby diapers.
Often an increase in sourness, harshness and bitterness. Caused by high temperatures/oxygen during aging.
More aeration in bottling, the quicker a beer will oxidize. Warm temperatures accelerate oxidation.
Phenolic - One or combination of medicinal, plastic, electrical fire, listerinelike, band-aidlike, smoky,
clovelike aroma or flavor. Most often caused by wild strains of yeast or bacteria.
Salty - Flavor associated with table salt. Sensation experienced on sides of tongue. Can be caused by
too much sodium chloride, calcium chloride or magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) - brewing salts.
Solventlike - Flavor/aroma like acetone, lacquer thinner due to high fermentation temperatures.
Sour/Acidic - Pungent, tart aroma, sharpness of taste on sides of tongue. Can be sharp and clean (lactic acid),
vinegar-like (acetic acid), or lemony (citric acid). Cause - bacteria or the use of citric acid.
Sweet - Basic taste associated with sugar. Sensation experienced on front tip of tongue.
Sulfurlike (H2S; hydrogen sulfide) - Aroma like rotten eggs, burning matches. Is a byproduct with
certain strains of yeast. Diminishes with age. Most evident with bottle-conditioned beer.
Vegetal - Cooked, canned, or rotten vegetable aroma and flavor.
Yeasty - Yeastlike flavor. Often due to strains of yeast in suspension or beer sitting on sediment too long.



The Beer Flavor Wheel

The Beer Flavor Wheel was developed by Dr. Morton Meilgaard and is the flavor
analysis standard for the European Brewery Convention, the American Society
of Brewing Chemists, and the Master Brewers Association of the Americas.