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Mother's Day is a great reason to have a party with family and close friends. Celebrating Mom's Day with the whole clan can be a great reason for a family reunion if your family is scattered across the miles.

Just make sure to plan way in advance so that family members can mark their calendars for mom's big day! You can purchase invitations or make them yourself using online mothers day clipart.

Write catchy headlines on the outside of the invite like "We're celebrating Mom in a BIG way. Come and wish her a Happy Mother's Day! or for a tea party: "Come and PAR-TEA HEARTY ♥ this Mother's Day

Be sure to include date, time, and RSVP details with information on the party theme whether it's for a Mother's Day tea, picnic, brunch or barbecue! Think aobut including friends who are close to your mom if they are not celebrating with their own family -- or combine the celebrations to honor all of the moms, grandmothers and just-like-a-mom women in your circle.

Getting everyone together for a family breakfast also can be fun and easy - and what a nice gift it makes for a mother ... having all of her children together having a good time with her as the guest of honor. Also check out our complete Mother's Day menu with complete recipes for creating a delicious feast - for two, three, four, or the whole gang! - to gather in celebration.

May is the perfect time to hold a backyard barbecue for mom, family, and friends on Mother's Day.

Decorations for a Mother's Day party? That's also a snap. Just think lots of carnations and other brightly colored flowers for adding a festive tone to your Mother's Day bash. (TIP: divide flowers up into small bunches to use as party favors when happy guests depart.)

Meanwhile, keep guests laughing and mingling with appropriate Mother's Day party games and activities which may be as simple as passing around the family photo album!

When all is said and done, your celebration should be one that is heartfelt, fun, and most of all a cherished time with family.

More about Mother's Day party ideas around the Web:


Mother's Day Party Ideas -Reader's Digest - Check out lots of ideas for fun activities, food & drink, music, and decorations.

Mother's Day Party Ideas - LoveToKnow FInd out where to have it, and how to host it, with related articles on creating a Mother's Day menu, invitation ideas, and cake decorating. .


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