Like most of Eastern Europe, Romania has a history of wine growing that reaches back to thousands of year to its earliest inhabitants.
Until the 18th century, local vine
varieties such as Zghihara de Husi, Cramposia de Dragasani, Galbena
de Odobesti, Feteasca alba, Feteasca neagra, Babeasca, and Tamâioasa
româneasca formed the basis of the wines until more common Western European grapes were introduced.
Today these foreign vines -- Pinot gris, Pinot noir, Italian Riesling, Merlot, Sauvignon blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Muscat Ottonel and others -- are at home in Romainian vineyards resulting in wines ranging from dry, sparkling whites to rich, full-bodied reds.
Romanian wines are produced in Moldavia (not to be confused with neighboring Moldova), as well as Wallachia, Banat, Dobruja, and yes,- Transylvania. When you think of Romania, Transylvania wine may not be the first thing that comes to
mind. But while the myths of vampires have made this country famous,
the wines from the area are anything but mythical - and they are popular!
Black Sea, the Danube Delta and the mild climate of the countryside
create a welcome place for grape vines to thrive and the wines
are becoming fairly well known in the international arena, with some consistently
receiving awards at major expos. The Murfatlar as well as the Cotnari vineyards have been recognized at international
competitions for their quality.
More about
Romanian wines & wineries around the Web:
The wines of Romania - Check out detailed information on the rise of the modern Romanian wine industry with information on grape varieties, top wineries, and related maps
Wines - The wines, the grapes, and the important wine regions are all covered, with additional information on wine tourism and history, with an online shop.