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St. Patrick's Day Party Ideas on a Budget
...with the St. Patrick's Day Party Pack

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St. Patrick's Day Party Pack
St. Patrick's Day party ideas
Download the e-book now and
receive scavenger hunt ideas &
party games, recipes, printable
cards, banners, puzzles, & more.

You're in luck...

....with expert budget ideas for hosting a fun and memorable party for loved ones or friends this St. Patrick's Day.

Discover cost-saving party ideas, recipes for homemade Irish dishes and desserts together with how to's on making your own crafts and decorations .... and laughter-producing party games, trivia challenges and scavenger hunts.

A thousand welcomes!

In your downloadable party pack you'll also find dozens of printables including festive St. Patrick's Day greeting cards, party banners, gift tags - and even wrapping paper, along with Irish poems & verse plus a complete sing-along "kit" with a collection of lyrics to the most popular Irish tunes & ballads.

Experience the true joy of being Irish (even if you just wish you were!) with the St. Patrick's Day Party Pack this year — specially priced for a highly affordable, festive and fun-filled holiday.

St. Patrick's Day Party Pack

  • 47 colorfully illustrated pages of party ideas, recipes & printables

  • Availability: Instantly downloadable 1.5MB PDF file.

  • Price: $5.95

More than 40 pages of holiday party ideas, recipes, crafts & printables ...

Find out how to create your own money-saving Irish get-together with the St. Patrick's Party Pack and start earning a reputation as an expert party host with friends, family or office mates in practically no time at all.

Pay only $5.95 via any major credit card through our secure PayPal online shopping cart to begin downloading your copy of the St. Patrick's Day Party Pack instantly...


To ensure a successful download, please bookmark this page so that, in the rare event you are not transferred to the download page after payment, you may return here to contact us for additional instructions. Thank you!



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