The Feel-Good Guide to Sports, Travel, Shopping & Entertainment

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“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
~ Saint Augustine

travel luggageSure, the Internet is a great place to travel virtually. But information and pictures, videos (and maybe a foreign language lesson or two) will only get you so far.

If you've always dreamed of traveling to an exotic far-away destination,-- or even a staycation in your own home state -- use this guide as a jumping-off point for finding out about what it's like, how to get there, when to go, and what you'll find on arrival.

Once you've got it all under your belt we suggest ... that you start packing.

Have fun!

        • Beaches Europe
        • Fall foliage tours Caribbean
        • Holiday travel Mexico
        • National parks Popular world destinations
        • Ski resorts Romantic places
        • State fairs Spring break



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