In 2025, therel's only one occurrence of Friday the 13th
when it falls on
Friday, June 13th 2025.
Be careful. It's Friday the 13th!
Generations of people have lived their whole lives fearing this fateful date, but what could possibly go wrong?
Friday the 13th in 2025
The number of times Friday the 13th occurs varies from year to year. Last year, for example, it happened twice in September and December.
Luckily (?), this year it falls only once, on Friday, June 13th 2025.
Like walking under a ladder, or into the path of a black cat, bad fortune associated with Friday the 13th has never been scientifically proven. But why tempt fate?
Anything really important can always wait until Saturday.
Why Friday the 13th?
The number 13 has been associated with bad luck since the time of Christ, when the Last Supper was attended by Jesus and his 12 apostles. Judas, who would ultimately betray Jesus, was believed to be the last and 13th member to arrive.
Friday was the day that eventually became known as Good Friday marking the day Christ was crucified.
Put those two unlucky omens together, and (much like the Ides of March) many people came to believe that Friday the 13th spelled nothing but trouble.
Later, the superstitious Middle Ages didn't help to dispel the rumor. That's when the famous Knights Templar were put under arrest by King Philip of France. Whether intentional or not, the arrests began -- you guessed it -- on Friday the 13th, 1306 as torture and eventual execution awaited the much-beloved group deemed to have become too powerful for his royal highness.
13 has never been
proven to
be unlucky.
but why chance it?
DID YOU KNOW? Friday the 13th fun facts.
• Wonder why the mere mention of 13 is considered unlucky? Look no further than Friday the 13th. Today, modern skyscrapers will often skip the 13th floor--going straight from 12 to 14. Similarly, airlines often avoid the number altogether for airplane rows and arrival gates.
• Weddings dates, new job starts, going on a trip, or any other auspicious occasions are usually planned to avoid the 13th day of the month -- especially Friday the 13th -- to ensure good fortune.
• The popular medical term for a morbid fear of Friday the 13th is Friggatriskaidekaphobia. The word is derived from a combination of Frigg, the Norse goddess of Friday, and the Greek triskaideka or 13.
• Famous people born on Friday the 13th include actors Christopher Plummer, Steve Buscemi, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, director Alfred Hitchcock and Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
• Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th.