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Watermelon Basket Fruit Carving

watermelon basket diagram
Make basic cuts by
mapping them out with
a washable marker.


The watermelon basket is one of the most popular and easy fruit carving presentations around.

All it takes is a few simple cuts, and some prepared fruit salad to fill it with, and you're on your way to your first fun party fruit carving centerpiece:

You'll need:

· 1 medium-to-large-sized watermelon
· non-toxic water-ink marker
· A sharp knife
· spoon
· prepared fruit salad


1. First, cut a thin piece off the bottom of the watermelon so that it sits flat on a plate without rolling.

2. Make your design on the watermelon with a water marker and cut around until pieces separate easily.

3. Carefully cut the fruit away from the basket "handle" and slowly scrape away any remaining fruit with a spoon or melon baller.

4. Next, hollow out the basket. Reserve fruit to mix with the fruit salad.

5. Decorate the rim with V cuts as shown.

6. Add fresh grapes, cherries, pineapple chunks and melon balls, or use a commercially prepared fruit salad to fill your basket.

Download your copy of "Fruit Carving for Beginners"

Flower fruit garnishesFind out how much fun it is creating watermelon baskets, pineapple centerpieces, edible fruit bouquets, cocktail garnishes, even cute kids' projects - RIGHT NOW - and start earning a reputation as an expert party host with friends & family in practically no time at all.

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