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World AIDS Day Wear a red ribbon on World AIDS Day

2024 marks the 36th anniversary of World AIDS Day, the longest running disease awareness and prevention initiative of its kind in the history of public health.

First observed in 1988, World AIDS Day was initiated by health ministers from around the world who called for a spirit of social tolerance and a greater awareness of HIV/AIDS on an international scale.

When is World AIDS Day this year? Always observed on December 1. World AIDS Day takes place this year on Suday, December 1, 2024

What is the 2024 World AIDS Day theme? Each year, World AIDS Day focuses on a single theme that puts the spotlight on an important issue regarding AIDS treatment. (This year;s theme has yet to be announced, but keep it here for updates,)

Last year's theme, for example, "Let Communities Lead", called for better funding and support of local community organizations on the frontlines of helping AIDS patients, especially the underserved.

What can I do on World AIDS Day? An important part of World AIDS Day is helping to increase awareness and education at the local level.

Just up ahead get tips, advice and ideas on how you can aid in the fight against HIV AIDS in your neighborhood, workplace, or school classroom

Also check out related resources and where you may find downloadable World AIDS Day posters, brochures and factsheets.

All about World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day Poster
The photo seen 'round the world.

• Princess Diana helped remove the fear and stigma of AIDS worldwide when she was photographed shaking hands with an AIDS patient in a London hospital in 1987. The iconic photo helped to change attitudes toward the disease and the following year was pivotal in the establishment of World AIDS Day

• Why is World AIDS Day observed on December 1st? When first initiated in 1988, WHO information officers picked on a day between the US presidential election and the Christmas holidays to help boost World AIDS Day coverage in the Western media.

• In 1996, World AIDS Day operations were taken over by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), which expanded the scope of the project to a year-round prevention and education campaign.

• World AIDS Day marked its 30th anniversary in 2018 with the theme "Know Your Status," with the goal of diagnosing 90% of the world's HIV population by 2030.


World AIDS Day In Your Community

• Wear a red ribbon as a symbol of hope to work, school or clubs - or distribute red ribbons at community gatherings.

• Organize a candlelight vigil at a community center or at a public park and invite local performers and speakers.

• Decorate a World AIDS Day tree or bulletin board to display in a local library or courthouse in memory of those who have died of AIDS.

• Write a letter or editorial to your local newspaper urging news coverage of World AIDS Day.

• Set up a table or booth at an existing community event to display HIV/AIDS exhibits, posters, flyers, or brochures.

• Send an World AIDS Day e-card to remind friends and family.

World AIDS Day At Work

• Ask your employer to help establish December 1 as a day to address the issue of HIV/AIDS in your workplace

• Educate employees about the prevention of HIV/AIDS: display posters, flyers, brochures, invite guest speakers, provide information through employee newsletters, E-mail messages and Web pages.

• Have your company sponsor community events by donating products to local HIV/AIDS programs, organize an AIDS fundraising events (run, walk, bike) or set up a display in the office lobby.

• Distribute World AIDS Day ribbons, posters, flyers or brochures in company mailboxes, cafeterias or break rooms.

• Retail businesses: place a World AIDS Day poster in your window, at checkout counters or community bulletin board.

For more information, point your browser to HIV in the Workplace

World AIDS Day In the Classroom

world aids day• Set aside class time for a special lesson or speaker on HIV/AIDS.

• Create a website, brochure or video for teaching parents the facts about HIV/AIDS.

• Invite a person living with AIDS or health care worker to come and talk to students about HIV/AIDS discrimination.

• Sponsor a poster, T-shirt, exhibit, or bumper sticker design contest for the this year's theme

• Create a special HIV/AIDS writing assignment for December 1 : essay, poem, book report, brochure, poster or research report.

• Distribute red ribbons and information about HIV/AIDS at an exhibit set up in the school.

• Decorate trees, school buildings, classrooms, lamp posts, or fences with red ribbons.

• Prepare a current events bulletin board for students to fill with newspaper articles about HIV/AIDS.

World AIDS Day Photos, Videos, Brochures & Fact Sheets - World AIDS Day Posters & Materials

Be In The Know - All about Sexual Health and HIV

More about World AIDS Day around the Web:

World AIDS Day - December 1

World AIDS


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