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MAIN Arrow to Home Life Home Life Arrow to Entertaining Party Ideas Arrow to Office Party Ideas Office Party

office partyParty time with co-workers can be fun, and a great opportunity to network and rub shoulders with those higher up on the career ladder.

There are plenty of excuses to throw an office shindig, and whether it's in the workplace, at an off site meeting, a nearby pub or restaurant, or a company picnic, a break from the day-to-day routines of work can be a welcome relief - or a real stress inducer.

Then there's the annual holiday offfice party with all the etiquette and office politics they entail!

Smile. Relax. But also remember that there are major differences between partying with friends and office mates.

Around the Web, check out expert guides with insider tips and information on traditional office dress codes, the ground rules of behavior, as well as themes, activities, and decorations that fit the bill for company outings or formal office celebrations ...


also see related features -> Decorating the Office for Christmas

Office Christmas Parties - Ten Things To Remember

More about office parties around the Web:

Hosting Ideas for Small Office Parties
- Helpful advice on organizing and planning the small office holiday party, with tips on music, gifts, where to hold it and what to serve.

Office-Party Behavior Affects Career Advancement - The company party is a chance to make an impression, with tips for the socially inept, suggestions for what to say and how to behave, plus advice on making contacts on this extra special day of the year.

Company Picnic - features a complete how-to for planning a perfect picnic with ideas for fun & games, team building activities & entertainment.

Holiday Office Party Ideas - LoveToKnow guide offers great ideas on games & activities, office party themes, and related how-to articles and resources.


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