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Happy National Candy Corn Day!

national candy corn day October 30What's October without ... candy corn?

As Peeps are to Easter, (or candy canes are to Christmas) candy corn is to Halloween.

This year, watch for National Candy Corn Day celebrations to kick off a festive Halloween on Wednesday, October 30, 2024.

How to celebrate National Candy Corn Day

candy corn cocktail

That's easy. Eat lots of candy corn!

Also be sure to have plenty on hand to give to little trick-or-treaters on the big night, or have bowls filled with candy corn in strategic locations around your Halloween party room.

Of course, they're are more ways to eat candy corn than by the mouthful. You can add them as toppings to your favorite sugar cookie recipe. Use them as a colorful decoration for chocolate Halloween cupcakes, or how about this candy corn cocktail made with vodka, candy corn infusion, and whipped cream? Cheers!

Just up ahead, check out a recipe for Chocolate Candy Corn Star Bursts, one of the easiest homemade candy corn treat for partying anytime:

How to Make Chocolate Candy Corn Star Bursts

candy corn starburstsThe following recipe calls for chocolate candy coating that you can easily find at the supermarket (right next to the bakers chocolate and chocolate chips.) The kids' will also love helping out in creating this yummy and colorful treat for a Halloween party :

• 10 ounces chocolate candy coating
• 3/4 cup candy corn

1. Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
2. Use a large tablespoon to form chocolate disks about 2 inches in diameter.
3. Place five pieces of candy corn on top of each disc to form the star burst (see photo).
4. Let set at room temperature for about 45 minutes.

Yield: about 24 Candy Corn Star Bursts

The corny history of candy corn

Candy corn has been an all-American favorite since the Wunderle Candy Company began making the world's first tricolor candy in the 1880's.

Believe it or not, candy corn was first marketed as "Chicken Feed". The confection proved so popular that the conglomerate, the Goelitz Candy Company (sort of like a modern Brach's), competed to take over mass-production of the seasonal sweet treat.

Having won the rights to produce the candy, the company soon put the original name of "Chicken Feed" out to pasture ... and "Candy Corn" was born.

Today, the recipe for candy corn is pretty much unchanged from the early days. It's still made from honey, sugar and corn starch. And that ain't chicken feed.

Candy corn fun facts & trivia

candy corn• One serving of candy corn contains only about 140 calories. And, hey -- it's fat free!

• Candy corn is not just for Halloween anymore. Brown, orange and white candy corn or "Indian corn" is available for Thanksgiving followed by red, green and white candy corn for Christmas.

• Along with Hershey's chocolate and Snickers bars, candy corn makes the Top Ten list of most popular Halloween candies year after year.

• More than 35 million pounds of candy corn will be produced this year, or about 9 billion pieces.

also see -> National Donut Day | National Jelly Bean Day

National Cheesecake Day

National Pancake Day | National Pretzel Day


More about celebrating National Candy Corn Day around the Web:


National Candy Corn Day at Holiday Insights
- Check out information, fun facts and trivia about the day.

National Candy Corn Day Greetings - Send an e-card to your favorite candy corn fan!

Candy Corn Day Recipes - Feast your eyes on complete ingredients and instructions for making homemade candy corn snack mix, candy corn popcorn balls, and more.



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