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Talk Like a Pirate Day
Talk Like a Pirate Day originators
Mark (Cap'n Slappy) Summers
& John (Ol' Chumbucket) Baur.

Is it the eye patches? The pirate hats? — Or just the chance to say "aargh!" every chance you get?

Join the fun this September 19 when "X" marks the spot on Talk Like a Pirate Day -- celebrated worldwide with favorite pirate jokes, sayings, and general cavortin'.

This year, get ready to shiver the timbers as Talk Like a Pirate Day is officially observed on Thursday, September 19, 2024.

Free booty on Talk Like a Pirate Day 2024

Watch for freebies and discounts at Long John
Silvers, Wendys, Sonic, and other fast food places
who join in the fun on Talk Like a Pirate Day.

On Talk Like a Pirate Day, you can also talk like a pirate or dress up in your silliest pirate gear to get FREEBIES and discounts!

Traditionally, you can set sail for Long John Silver's, Wendy's, Sonice Drive In, and other US restaurants and fast food places for the day's special giveaways and discounts.

At Long John Silver's you usually got a free piece of fish or chicken ... OR if you dressed like a pirate you got a free 2-piece fish or chcken basket.

Krispy Kreme also usually offers landlubbers a chance at a free donut at the big day -- just by saying "Arrrr...". Swaggering up to the counter in full pirate gear? That'll get you an entire DOZEN free!.

Meanwhile, watch for official announcements at food chains across the nation for local free giveaways and discounts on Talk Like a Pirate Day 2024!

All about Talk Like a Pirate Day

Pirates have been talkin' trash and lootin' treasure for centuries now.

However, it was only in 1995 when Oregon natives John Baur and Mark Summers - in what they call a "temporary moment of insanity" - first set sail with the idea of Talk Like A Pirate Day.

And, what began as a private joke became a national craze several years later when writer Dave Barry publicized the event in one of his columns.

And the rest, as they say, is pirate day history.

Today, Talk Like a Pirate Day is fast becoming one of the most popular celebrations since Halloween and includes wearing pirate costumes, telling pirate jokes, and hosting pirate parties on the big day.

How to talk like a pirate

Pirate Lingo - (The Short Course)

Ahoy! - "Yo!"
Avast! - "Check it out!"
Aye! - "Yes."
Arrr! - "That's right!" (often confused with arrrgh...)
Arrrgh! - "I'm VERY miffed."

Start right away by dropping your "g's" - as in sailin' or drinkin'. Also avoid any pronunciation of "r's" so that "ever" becomes "e'er" and "never" becomes "ne'er".

Substitute "you" for "ye" and "my" for "me". For example: "I want me grog ye scurvy dog!"

If all else fails, begin every other sentence with a scowl and a hearty "Arrrrr."

talk like a pirate day september 19


Talk Like a Pirate Day Party Ideas

Gather all ye mateys for a rollickin' good time featuring pirate decorations, free printables, a pirate themed cake, and a fun pirate scavenger hunt or a "best pirate costume" contest.

Have fun!

Shiver me timbers! The Top 5 scurviest pirate jokes

talk like a pirate!Q: How much did the pirate pay for his piercings?
A: A buck-an-ear.

Q: How do you make a pirate really mad?
A: Take away the ‘p’.

Q: What's a pirate's favorite movie?
A: Booty and the Beast.

Q: Why couldn't the 10 year old go to the pirate movie?
A: Because it was rated arrrrrrr.

Q: What was the pirate's name that had no legs or arms and fell overboard?
A: Bob.

More about celebrating Talk Like a Pirate Day around the Web:

Around the Web, also check out complete courses in pirate lingo, pirate jokes & sayings, and be sure to bone up on pirate history — along with how to's for inviting your favorite buckos and wenches to a legendary pirate party.


International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Here's the official site with complete basic and advanced pirate lingo plus a treasure trove of online pirate fun & games, pirate songs, party ideas, teacher lesson plans, online store, FAQ.

How to Talk Like A Pirate - Check out the WikiHow with tips on scowling, and using the right words in context with a glossary of favorite words and sayings. Scroll down for more on How To Talk Like A Pirate Day, How To Pick a Pirate Name, and How to Act Like a Wench.


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