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MAIN Arrow to Home LifeHolidays Arrow to Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Arrow to Turkey How TosThanksgiving Prayers

Praying handsAround the world, prayers of thanksgiving have been traditionally led by community or religious leaders in appreciation for a bountiful harvest.

It was in the centuries-old tradition of giving thanks that the Pilgrims sat down with the Wampanoag Indians for the first historic American Thanksgiving in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Today, either moms or dads (or in some families, the kids) begin a festive Thanksgiving meal with a special remembrance, saying grace for blessings both big and small.

Some families may observe a moment of silence, while others may hold hands as the prayer is recited. Some prayers are light-hearted, funny, or completely ad-lib reflecting a family's own happiness or recent accomplishments.

A nod to good fortune keeps us humble, and a thought to the world's hungry and homeless may also play a part in giving thanks on this special day.

Most often, saying grace at Thanksgiving gives us a moment to simply appreciate all that is good about our lives now with fervent hopes for a bountiful year ahead ....

More about Thanksgiving prayers around the Web:

Thanksgiving Prayer
- Find a nice discussion on the origins of giving thanks on Thanksgiving Day. with tips on creating your own personal prayer, suggested Bible verses, a children's Thanksgiving prayer, quotes & literary references.

Children's Prayers of Thanksgiving - Here's a lovely collection just for kids, and scroll down to the bottom of the page for lots of related resources.

Top 100 Thanksgiving Prayers for Thanksgiving or Any Day - Discover the classic prayers, Bible quotes, poems and more with related resources.

Thanksgiving Poems - Check out more inspirational, funny and serious Thanksgiving poems for kids.

Thanksgiving Quotes - Funny, though-provoking and classic quotes, poems and verses for the occasion.


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