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Running shoesIt's easy to begin, (costing little more than the price of a good pair of running shoes) and maybe more importantly - anybody can do it.

Almost a half-century since it first began in the 1960's, the craze for running and jogging shows little sign of slowing down.

Like most fitness & exercise regimens, running smart means working up to your endurance level, while avoiding injury and muscle aches & sprains.

For getting in shape in terms of nutrition, the experts advise avoiding fats, and storing up carbs and proteins for optimum energy levels. A water bottle should also be close at hand to slake your thirst, and to keep muscles and joints properly lubricated.

Around the Web, more expert advice awaits, where you can find detailed how to's on proper levels of hydration and nutrition, running in hot weather, tips on buying running shoes or treadmills (plus thoughtful jogger gift ideas) along with guides to stretching, breathing and toning, and additional tricks to maintaining endurance & fitness before you hit the ground running....

also see -> Boston Marathon | Chicago Marathon | London Marathon | New York Marathon

More information and resources about running & jogging:

AthleticRunner - Runners Nutrition, Fitness & Warmups - Join the fray at this active community with forum discussions on training, nutrition, high school & advanced running, advice on avoiding injuries, and special tips for beginners.

Are You Running Properly? - BBC sports & fitness guide with tips on form & technique including foot, heel, head and shoulder position, common do's and don'ts, with related animations and illustrations.



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