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maineAs America's most northeastern state, Maine remains a natural wonder to behold - and continues to thrive as an agricultural region famous for its lumber industry, blueberries, potatoes... and fresh-caught lobsters off the Atlantic coast.

As a travel destination, summer is the high season as tourists from around New York and New England who vacation at Maine's seacoast beaches lake resort areas.

In Maine, be as active or as laid back as you like. Major attractions include Bar Harbor, and Acadia National Park, the Kennebec and Moose River Valleys, Portland and nearby Casco Bay, and outdoor sports activities in the Maine Highlands.

maine tourist attractions
Major tourist attractions in Maine include whale watching and sightseeing along the Portland coast
(left) fresh cooked Maine lobster (middle), and crystal clear inland mountain lakes and streams (right).

also see -> Maine Lakes & Beaches   |  2024 Maine Fall Foliage Guide   

This Christmas in Maine

2025 Maine special events and festivals

maine lobster fest
Check out the big parade, kids' activities,
music concerts - and LOTS of lobster - at
the Maine Lobster Fest in Rockland.

Just up ahead, check out our 2025 Maine travel calender featuring memorable events and major festivals happening throughout the state during travel season with dates, locations and official links for more information.

Happy travels!

Beginning May 23, 2025 -- Portland Rose Festival Portland - Welcome in spring with three full weekends of carnival rides, food, games and entertainment right on Portland's waterfront.

June 22 - June 28, 2025 -- Windjammer Days Booth Bay Harbor - There's something for everyone as this fun summer fling featuring boat parades, fireworks, kids' activities, cavorting with pirates, an art show and more.

July 4th Weekend 2025 -- Waterfront Blues Festival Portland - Check out non-stop blues performances on four stages or set sail on a Blues Cruise, enjoy delicious food and drinks, and plenty of blues festival swag for purchase.

July 18 - July 20, 2025 -- Yarmouth Clam Festival Yarmouth - It ain't just clams,, with a variety of other food vendors throughout the weekend plus carnival rides, live music performances, arts & crafts booths, face painting and other fun kids activities.

July 30 - August 3, 2025 -- Maine Lobster Festival Rockland Harbor Park - On a seafood diet? Come see about this fun festival in Harbor Park with cooking contests, live entertainment, an art fair, kids' activities and The Big Parade.

Family-friendly Portland

Get freshly acquainted with "the city by the sea" on board the amphibious Maine Duck Tour for a 1-hour grand tour of historical Portland along with a plunge into Casco Bay!

For kids of all ages, head downtown to catch an afternoon of coastal whale watching. Or, for a more relaxing yet fun trip, make your way to the Portland Headlight Museum and Park (the state's oldest) located at Cape Elizabeth.

Meanwhile, don't forget to pack a picnic lunch for dining al fresco beside spectacular ocean views at nearby Fort Williams Park.

DID YOU KNOW? Maine Travel Fun Facts

Moose on the loose.

• Maine is home to over 75,000 moose, more than any other state. At Moosehead Lake there are three moose for every person.

• Maine's lobster yield is 40 million pounds annually, nearly 90 percent of the nation's lobster supply.

• Bar Harbor was so named due to the bar of sand and gravel, visible at low tide, that forms across the rear of the harbor.

• Standing only 6 feet tall, Pocahontas Light located at Great Diamond Island is the smallest lighthouse in the U.S.

• The International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland exhibits strange artifacts from mysterious creatures such as Bigfoot, Yeti and the Loch Ness Monster.

More about Maine tourist attractions around the Web:

Maine Office of Tourism
- The big guide to the state o' Maine with information on things to do and see, hotel and restaurant guides, travel packages, interactive map, pictures, seasonal activities.

Maine's Regional Directory - Explore Maine by Region or Town - Like it says, with guides to the South Coast, Western Mountains, Mid-Coast, Kennebec Valley, Downeast & Acadia, Katahdin-Moosehead and way up north in Aroostook - with maps, hotel & restaurants, attractions & activities, event calendar, chat.


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