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last updated: August 7, 2022

Gift Ideas For Guys

Whether it's a birthday, Valentine's Day, Christmas or any other occasion, you want the gifts for the men in your life to be special and memorable.

The key to successful guy gifting is to keep an ear open to what they talk about in unguarded moments. Are they excited about the latest video games, laptop computers, or electronic gadgets?

Maybe he's a handyman with an entier collection power tools in the garage. Or a foodie with a passion for sushi.

Whatever his interests, this year forget the the sweater or tie and consider these great guy gift ideas:

Gifts for the Geek Guy

If he's into electronics he probably already has the digital camera, high-end laptop or iPod. Instead, consider peripherals or add-ons he might love including a gift certificate for iTunes, car chargers, hi-tech earphones, data storage devices and other cool gadgets he'll go crazy for.

Favorite Guy Movies

Head for the DVD aisle for his favorite flicks such as The Godfather trilogy, the complete set of James Bond movies, his favorite gangster film, or classic Westerns or sports dramas. If turns into a real softie around the holidays, also consider buying his favorite Christmas movie.

If in doubt, surveys find that men prefer gift cards (think iTunes, Starbucks) to a fancy gift.

Gifts for the Travelin' Man

This one's for the both of you, but gear it toward a special vacation for two to one of his favorite destinations. Whether its a fishing trip, a ski resort or a romantic week in Hawaii just keep it within budget — even if it's a cheap weekend getaway.

Sports Nut Gifts

Think about tickets to his favorite sporting events, a new bag for his bowling ball, a new golf club (buy a whole set if you're really serious) a sports channel cable subscription, or a sports hat or jacket emblazoned with his favorite team logo.

Gourmet Gifts for Guys

The Internet is a great way to hunt down his favorite foods, either prepared in gift baskets or as a "food of the month" subscription. If he's into Top Chef or thinks that Emeril is da' bomb, check out gourmet pots and pans he can use, a bound set of cookbooks about his favorite cuisine, or wine accessories such as a corkscrew or wine rack.

Tools for the Handy Guy

There's no getting around it, guys love power tools for getting things done, whether its a top-of-the-line electric drill or a complete ratchet set for keeping the car in tune.

So next time you're online or out shopping, skip the boxed cologne set and get him something he really wants. Whatever his interests, a guy really appreciates that you've put lots of heart and a little thought into a gift especially for him.

also see -> Gift Ideas for Your Boyfriend | Gift Ideas for Your Husband

Gift Ideas for Your Brother |
Groomsmen Gift Ideas



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