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Wrapped gift

"He's like a brother to me!" is a traditional saying that expresses how close a friend can be. Brothers, indeed, can be our closest friends and confidants, and share our most secret dreams and aspirations.

Of course, at times this can be brotherly bickering - and you wonder if the both of you are even in the same gene pool! But no matter how strong your sibling rivalry or your occasional differences, you know that your brother will be there for you, especially through the toughest times.

Around the holidays, special occasions, or on his birthday, show your brother how much you care with a special gift picked out just for him. If you are still close, you probably already know his special hobbies or interests. Center your gift around what he'll appreciate most.

Whether he's a car lover, into sports or video games, or even if he's an amateur chef, take some time to pick out something that shows that thoughtful care was taken to choose something just for him.

A ring with his birthstone, or a gift based on his astrological sign, make for great gifts on his birthday or for the holidays. Is he a recent graduate? Special graduation gifts ideas might include a laptop, (which makes for great group gift)

If he's an electronics "geek" he probably already has the digital camera, high-end laptop or iPod. Instead, consider peripherals or add-ons he might love including a gift certificate for iTunes, car chargers, hi-tech earphones, or other cool gadgets he'll go crazy for.

Is he a movie buff? Head for the video aisle for his favorite flicks such as The Godfather trilogy, the complete set of James Bond movies, his favorite gangster film, or classic Westerns or sports dramas.

If you're giving a gift across the miles to your brother, make sure to get in touch beforehand for a friendly chat. In this way you can find out if he's into a new hobby or has developed a special interest you didn't know about. You'd be surprised how fast life changes especially if you and your bro haven't communicated in a while ...

also see in Gift Ideas -> Great Guy Gifts Sister Gift Ideas

More about gift ideas for brothers around the Web:

Top Ten Gift Ideas for Your Brother on his Birthday - Get good ideas for treating him to his favorite music, and more suggestions for higher ticket items.



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