Millions of technology consumers today have purchased the market-changing tablet from several different manufacturers ranging from Apple to Amazon,.
But what about the “tried-and-true personal laptop computer? Laptops have been the traditional choices for businesses, students, governments, and home or family technology users.
Could the tablet now be ushering in the dawn of a new computing era?
Not so fast.
When choosing a laptop over a table, it is vital to weigh the pros and cons. While some can complete essential daily tasks with a tablet, there are several concessions necessary for tablet-only work that consumers have to face when foregoing a laptop.
Power vs ease
Tablets are definitely the more energy efficient and portable option. However, it is not the most effective tool when compared to the modern laptop, which can perform at speeds and store more data ten-fold in relation to even the most advanced tablet today.
Power is one of the main issues. Laptops can steadily provide a flow of power while tablets usually last only a few hours. With more RAM (or the amount of processing speed within the device), laptops can open browsers and applications, play DVD videos, make PowerPoint presentations, create Word documents, produce music, and perform hefty photo editing workshop operations.
On the other hand, tablets are incredibly functional for their size and storage amounts in gigabits (or GB for short.) Tablets are most commonly used for running basic displays such as Facebook, e-books, and small picture applications. Laptops are the do-it-all tools that most computer users today grew up with.
Along with the power factor, storage is another issue regarding the purchase of a tablet over a laptop. An iPad runs the buyer a relatively cheap $199 for an iPad Mini, which has a sixteen GB minimum storage capacity, with the max being 128 GB at the hard price of $599. For $300 more you can get a MacBook Air, the ultra-thin laptop with a minimum 128 GB, max of 900 GB.
In perspective, one GB can hold roughly 3,000 minutes of downloaded music. With added storage come the keyboards and built-in applications that make the laptop even more user-friendly. In fact, Apple prides itself on only giving customers what they truly want: a computer ready to be used directly out of the box. Tablets require almost all applications and functions to be downloaded after purchase.
Work vs leisure
There is also the question of form factor. Laptops feature a keyboard and mouse built-in, allowing users the same functionality found on the desktop. Touch screens do not offer the same level of granular control that a mouse and cursor does. Screen keyboards are really only fit for entering short bursts of text such as – again -- a status update or a Tweet.
Generally speaking, a physical keyboard is a must for entering long blocks of text, and a mouse is far more efficient than a touchscreen for frequent swapping of windows, clicking of links, and general frequent cursor movement. This is even more important in the workplace where those very tasks may make up the bulk of the day.
As for the topic of extra accessories, the tablet is the simple solution – there really are no extra parts needed for running and using the tablet besides a charging cord and your fingertips. Laptops require may several additions such as an external hard drive to store the massive programs and bulk amounts of data ranging from photos to music.
Yes, laptops will be around for many more years. But the tablet is a fun and easy to use tool to accomplish basic tasks to avoid the use of a bulky laptop. It is indeed all about convenience and simplicity. A smaller amount of storage space, a slower processor, and less available time on battery power are some of the main concessions given up by tablet owners.
Still confused?
If you’re designing your own video game, producing the next big chart-topper, or writing a doctoral dissertation then a well-rounded and powerful laptop comes highly recommended.
Playing “Candy Crush” and sending a quick Tweet before lying back to listen to a Podcast or reading a short news article? Sure, pick up the tablet and go to town.
It all depends on the task at hand.
More about the laptop vs tablet debate around the Web: