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Flag DayThis year, get ready to join millions of American coast to coast who will celebrate Flag Day on Friday, June 14, 2024.

Celebrated every June 14th in the USA, millions of Americans observe Flag Day by waving Old Glory outside their homes and businesses. Veteran's groups and sometimes whole communities also arrange civic functions and special ceremonies in honor of Flag Day.

All about Flag Day

US flag flying outside a suburban houseAs the legend goes, it was George Washington and two other members of the Continental Congress who asked Betsy Ross to sew the first American flag sometime in the late spring of 1776. The young widow was only in her early 20's when she completed the first flag with thirteen stars arranged in a circle.

A year later, the Continental Congress officially adopted the design for the national flag, and henceforward the Stars and Stripes symbolized the U.S. around the world.

The first Flag Day was celebrated in 1877 - the flag's centennial. Later, in 1916, a grass roots movement resulted in President Woodrow Wilson issuing a proclamation that called for a nationwide observance of Flag Day on June 14. More than three decades later, Flag Day was made a permanent observance by Congress who in 1949 resolved "That the 14th day of June of each year is hereby designated as Flag Day."

also see -> July 4 Independence Day

Flag Day fun facts

also see in Flag Day:
American flag
US Flag Etiquette

Why red, white and blue?
To the original members of the Continental Congress, red stood for hardiness and courage, white for purity and innocence, and blue for vigilance and justice.

Why thirteen stars and stripes?
They represented the thirteen American colonies which rallied around the new flag in their fight against the British for self-governance.

The thirteen colonies included Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Virginia.

To this day, thirteen stripes still commemorate the original colonies. Instead of thirteen stars, today the number of stars on the US flag has grown to 50, representing every state in the Union.

Can you clean your American flag?
According to the American Legion, there are no strict guidelines for cleaning an American flag, but there are ways to keep the red, white, and blue looking like new. For synthetic flags, a gentle machine wash with a color-safe detergent will usually do the trick. For cottons or wool flag, gentle hand washing is recommended.

If a flag is too dirty to wash, rreparably torn, or otherwise unable to be displayed properly the rule is to dispose of the flag in a "dignified way", usually by burning.

What is the proper method for folding the flag?
The Flag Code doesn't require any specific method, but, the tradition of folding the flag in a a triangular-shape liresembling a three-corner hat is a popular way to fold the flag for storage or presentation.

For more on the display of American flags for different occasions or ceremonies also see Us Flag Etiquette.

How to celebrate Flag Day

Wave Old Glory from the front porch, apartment balcony or window, or attend Flag Day parades or festivities sponsored by local organizations.

Hold an open house or a backyard barbecue. Decorate the backyard in red, white, and blue. A Flag Day menu might include lots of American favorites like hamburgers, hot dogs and, for dessert, how about an American flag cake?

More information about Flag Day around the Web:

Below, find out more about the origins of the Star Spangled Banner and what it means to celebrate Flag Day at top sites on the subject offering American flag history, trivia, activities, lesson plans and fun facts...

History of Flag Day
- Check out the history of the American flag and a collecition of educational resources.

The Star Spangled Banner - Multimedia extravaganza from the American History Museum about the flag that inspired the U.S. national anthem and the people and events that surrounded it.

Flag Day in America - Click around for related stories, fun facts and information, plus Flag Day crafts ideas, related trivia, links to Flag Day screensavers, desktop wallpaper, e-cards and more.

Education World Lesson Planning - A Salute to Flag Day! - Fun and easy ways to get kids interested in Flag Day with lesson ideas, interesting factoids, related links.

Flag Day Celebrated - Brief, three-page history with historic photos, audio files.


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