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MAIN Arrow to Home Life - HolidaysHolidays & Observances Arrow to Raksha Banhan - RakhiRaksha Bandhan (Rakhi)

The Rakhi bracelet, a symbol of
devotion between sister & brother.

A celebration of the bonds between a brother and sister, the family and communal holiday of Raksha Bandhan (Rakhi) is observed in most Indian communities around the world.

When is Rakhi celebrated in 2024? Raksha Bandhan is traditionally celebrated on the full moon of the month of Shravana which, on the Western calendar falls on Monday, August 19, 2024.

All about Raksha Bandan

While the Rahi tradition is believed to date back for millennia, it was only in the 16th century when it became widely popular.

Today, in many Indian communities, close friends without siblings may also be honored as brothers and sisters on this day. In fact, Hindu girls may tie rakhi on the wrist of youths they consider their brothers, making Raksha Bandhan a communal as well as a family observance.

a sister ties a rakhi bracelet to her brother's wristMore elaborate modern versions of the rakhi may be gold or intricately woven strands of silk, but the traditional rakhi given to brothers on Raksha Bandhan is a single strand of silk that symbolizes the bond.

The silk is delicate...almost invisible, but extremely strong. The brother usually gives a gift in return -- a box of sweets or other token of their esteem and affection.

Within families, the highlight of the ceremony is when a sister ties the rakhi, a bejeweled silk string, around her brother's wrist. On Raksha Bandhan prayers are also said as the entire family joins the celebration.

"The sun radiates its sunlight, the radish spreads its seeds,
I tie the rakhi on you, my brother, and wish that may you live long."

also see -> Diwali | Makar Sankranti | Holi

More about Raksha Bandhan around the Web:

Raksha Bandan
- Explore the history, traditions and current social culture that makes this holiday important.

Rakhi Greetings & E-Cards - Send a greeting across the street or around the world with this nice collection of cyber cards in Hindi and English.


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