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19th century etiquetteAlthough some people still shrug off proper etiquette as passé or old fashioned, observing proper codes of etiquette actually allows you to relax at social functions where formal behavior is expected.

Of course, you won't want to stand on ceremony while enjoying a night out with friends, but even in less formal settings proper etiquette comes in handy. Think about meeting your finance's parents for the first time, or wanting to impress the boss at a company picnic!

Just up ahead, check out specific guides to how to set a dinner table, send a wedding gift, give party toasts, and more — with top etiquette guides around the Web with everything else you ever wanted to know — from walking the family dog to sending a note of sympathy ....

Bridal registry etiquette House guest etiquette Table setting tips
Bridal shower etiquette Dinner party etiquette Toasting etiquette
Greeting card etiquette Funeral etiquette U.S. Flag etiquette


More about etiquette around the Web:

Emily - The bible of social and business etiquette with tips on job interviews, office behavior, advice on weddings and marriage proposals, how to teach proper manners to kids and teens, with more on etiquette for everyday.

Wedding Etiquette - The complete guide to who pays for what, including the formal responsibilities of the parents, best man and maid of honor, advice on traditional wedding dances, a guide to wedding hall tipping, and how to write a wedding thank you note.

Kid etiquette guides - Very bookmarkable directory of related resources with tips on teaching table manners, good sportsmanship, socializing with other kids, anger management, how to make learning manners fun and more.



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