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In the 20th century, beatniks were the counterculture movement that grew into the hippie generation, soon giving rise to an even angrier rebellion of punks out of which grew a subset of more introspective goths — today considered a completely separate subculture with their own music and dress code.

Hip hop later arose in the ghettos of the Bronx, with inclusion in the world of rap, graffiti artists and break-dancing. Later, the young and disenfranchised everywhere (from London to Paris to the Mideast) saw the movement as a chance to exhibit their creativity and talent on neighborhood streets worldwide.

On the darker side, crushing poverty and a lack of education gave rise to street gangs, bike gangs, skinheads and other criminal behavior by teens and young adults with nothing else to lose. Today, even affluent, aging baby boomers may be attracted to a particular subculture outside the mainstream such as biking clubs, New Age religions, or nudist communities as a way to explore a lifelong interest and find acceptance and belonging.

More recently, young adults have also taken a shine to the vampire lifestyle (inspired by the Twilight movie series.) The vampire look harks back to the early goth lifestyle in terms of fashion, although reports have surfaced about "sanguine" vampires engaged in actual blood drinking.

Around the Web, discover a range of lifestyles where people feel comfortable expressing views on recreation, music, nutrition, politics and religion that are just left or way out of the mainstream ...

also see -> goths | hippies | punks | pagans | atheists

More about subcultures around the Web:

Subculture - Wikipedia - The grand overview from the online encyclopedia with references and hyperlinks to more on lifestyles, counterculture, and related history.

Davey D's History of Hip Hop 101 Directory - Comprehensive look at hip hop culture's origins with more on graffiti, rap, dj's, emcees and related interviews.

Geek Culture - Humorous spoof on the computer nerd lifestyle.

Bikers USA - Biker resources worldwide.

How to Become a Vegan - eHow guide to vegan culture and diet, with tips & health warnings, related resources on vegetarianism.

The Naturist Society - One-stop browsing for information on nude beaches, naturist communities & resorts worldwide with a detailed FAQ, related resources.



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