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Harry Potter Games

"Wicked..." |
and his friends are not the only ones having magical fun with
the wizardry of Hogwarts.
The Internet is bursting at the seams with ideas for fun and games based on the places and characters found in the books
and movie saga.
There are familiar games and school activities like Harry Potter word scramble, Harry Potter word searches, and Harry Potter mazes games that
have been adapted or Potterized. Others are perfect for Harry Potter theme parties.
Just up ahead, learn how to organize the best party games that put Hogwarts at the center of the action at any Harry Potter birthday party or celebration:
Harry Potter party games

One of the best original party activities to come out of the Harry Potter craze is the Potions Competition, in which guests are let loose on a variety of sodas, juices, and powdered drinks to conjure up their own concoction. The one who creates the best-tasting "potion" wins a prize.
More sweet fun awaits with a competition featuring Bernie Botts jelly beans -- the favorite treat of everyone at Hogwarts. To play, use the Jelly Belly brand to create a "guess-that-flavor" competition to see who can come up with the most correct answers.
A treat bag full of jelly beans awaits the winner.
Everyone dressed in costume? Make it more fun with a Harry Potter Look-Alike Contest, or award certificates for Best, Most Original, or Scary Costume.

Use toy frogs, unicorns, cats
and dragons for a "Forbidden
Forest" scavenger hunt.
For the younger set, add a Harry spin to traditional party games like "Pin the Glasses on Harry", or musical chairs set to the Harry Potter film soundtrack.
Or, let the giggling commence with a simple game of tag. Separate guests into two groups and give instructions to Dementors (the ones who are "it") that they are allowed to freeze opponents with the spell, "stupefy!" as Wizards attempt to run around and unbrake the spell with "enervate!"
More party fun awaits in the garden -- renamed "The Forbidden Forest" -- for a classic scavenger hunt. Hidden nearby are magical creatures to discover such as toy dragons, unicorns, cats, and frogs.
For older kids and adults, the ultimate Harry Potter game, backyard Quidditch takes the top prize for being the most popular wizard-inspired sport for outdoor party entertainment - no flying allowed!
How to make a Harry Potter party piñata
And what's any party without the pinata? Kids love Harry Potter villains that they can hit with a big stick. That includes Voldemort, the dastardly Dolores Umbridge, or the extra-scary Dementor.
What You'll Need:
1. Large paper shopping bag
2. Black poster paint
3. Paint brush
4. Downloadable skull clipart
5. Wrapped candy
Black and gray streamers
7. Tape or stapler
8. Thin rope or clothes line
9. A big stick
1. Use a black shopping bag, or take anyone available and paint it black.
2. Search for free downloadable clipart of screaming skulls (the scarier the better.) Then print and cut out, and affix the image to the front of the shopping bag.
3. Attach black streamers to the bottom and the sides.
4. Fill the bag with wrapped candy and tape or staple shut.
Hang your Dementor piñata high enough that it is just out of reach.
Line up your guests give each a chance to take aim with a loud and commanding .... Expecto Patronum! WHACK.
More Harry Potter games around the Web:.
Potter Games & Printables - Check out a great resource for fun, creative ideas for hosting a kids' Harry Potter party complete with a pdf download..
Harry Potter Party Games - Scroll down for a handful of fun ideas for party theme games and activities.